Nutrition - For A Healthy Start In Life

Just like people, food plays a vital role in a kitten’s health. The first year of your kitten’s life is the most important for growth and development. The right food will help them grow strong bones and muscles, and aid in eye and brain development.


Come training time, this will be crucial.

Feline nutritional science has made great advances in recent years. Commercial foods are now available to supply perfectly balanced diets depending on your cat’s age and lifestyle. From kittens through to seniors, and even specialty diets for cats with particular diseases. Long, healthy and happy lives are easily catered for. And just like parasite protection – it can be confusing. Your vet and clinic staff can advise you on the nutritional needs of your kitten.

The essential info:

Their diet needs to be made-up of:

  • Proteins*
  • Carbohydrates*
  • Lipids (fats)*
  • Vitamins and minerals.

One nutritional difference between your kitten/cat needs vs. a dog, is taurine. Your kitten’s diet must include this in order to survive. In the wild they usually get this hunting and eating birds or mice.

*Kittens have higher protein and fat demands than adult cats. This is because of the extra energy it takes to grow a strong body.

Meal-time tips

Kittens aged 8-12 weeks need four meals a day, dropping to three a day for 3-6 month olds, and finally two meals a day for cats over 6 months.

Cats are sensory eaters, they use their sense of smell to help them eat. They are also picky and particular, meaning some cats will like a bowl, so their whiskers can touch the sides, others prefer a plate or flat dish so that those whiskers don’t touch a thing.

Remember to always provide fresh drinking water at all times for your kitten and keep their food and water dishes away from litter boxes and where they sleep.

Do not give your kitten cow’s milk as it can give them an upset tummy. If you wish to feed milk use one that is specially formulated for cats. Stomach upsets that persist for more than 24 hours require veterinary attention.

Hunting for fun

Most cats hunt. It’s a simple fact. And feeding them more won’t stop it. In the wild, cats hunt alone, so if they waited until they were hungry before they tried to get food they would run the risk of starving. Instead, cats are always ready to grab a living snack. If you are concerned about this behaviour, you should try other means of prevention, such as restricting the cat’s environment, or provide more play toys for distraction.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.