What Is Heartworm Disease

Although heartworm infection is less common in cats than in dogs, nevertheless, heartworm disease in cat is important as it is a serious and potentially fatal disease with worldwide distribution and endemic in many countries including Malaysia.


How is heartworm in cats spread?

Heartworms are transmitted from one cat/dog to another by mosquitoes, which pick up the tiny microfilariae when they bite an infected cat/ dog. The microfilariae develop in the mosquito and are transmitted when the infected mosquito bites another cat/dog. The heartworm larvae then migrate through the cat’s tissues and circulatory system, eventually reaching the heart and lungs where they grow into adult heartworms

Why is heartworm disease in cat dangerous?

Heartworm may cause no clinical signs in the early stages of infestation in cats. As the worms grow and mature, they can interfere with normal circulation of blood. This can result in signs of heart failure, and in some cases may lead to sudden death.


Not only that, in cats, death of immature final-stage heartworms in lungs can produce disease with clinical signs and causes inflammatory and proliferative lesions. This condition is known as Heartworm associated respiratory disease (HARD).

What is an effective heartworm prevention?

Preventing heartworm disease is simple with a monthly NexGard Combo®. Just one monthly application of NexGard Combo® spot on protects against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm, and intestinal worms. Protecting your cat from parasites has never been easier!


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.