What is Canine Demodicosis?

Canine demodicosis is a parasitic skin condition caused by the characteristically cigar-shaped mite Demodex canis in dogs. The disease is caused by excessive multiplication of these highly host-specific, commensal mite, in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

canine demodicosis
canine demodicosis

What is Canine Demodicosis?

Canine demodicosis is a parasitic skin condition caused by the characteristically cigar-shaped mite Demodex canis in dogs. The disease is caused by excessive multiplication of these highly host-specific, commensal mite, in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.


About 50 % of adult dogs are asymptomatic carriers of Demodex mites. The only time that dog-dog transmission can occur is during the first 72 hours of life when the new-born puppy can acquire mites from the suckling bitch during nursing and feeding. The infestation and disease are not transmissible between adult dogs and is not acquired from the environment.


Demodex mites complete their entire life cycle on a single host. Signs of infestation are only seen when mite numbers increase significantly. Two types of disease are recognised: localised and generalised, ranging from simple skin lesions to severe systemic signs, especially with secondary bacterial infection and/or left untreated. The face (eyelids and lips), limbs, feet/paws and occasionally the trunk are most likely to be involved. 


Immunodeficiency is a predisposing factor which is probably hereditary in young dogs (under 2 years old) and acquired in adult dogs, following development of an underlying cause (e.g., excessive immunosuppressive therapy, Cushing’s syndrome, diabetes mellitus and neoplasia). 


Demodicosis in dogs is common but also under-diagnosed and can be very serious medically. As the mite is a skin commensal believed to be transmitted from the dam when the young suckle, bitches that have given birth to puppies with demodicosis must be removed from breeding, and all their descendants shall be identified and monitor closely. 


Excellent communication between vet and owner is essential, as treatment duration often can be long and could be expensive. Monitoring is also important. A dog with demodicosis needs to be cared for by its vet and its owner and it is to the vet’s responsibility to motivate owners and give them good advice. 


Prognosis has improved considerably in recent years, thanks to the development of products such as NexGard SPECTRA®. Protect your dog from Demodex mites with NexGard SPECTRA®. Just one monthly chew treats and controls the Demodex mites, the cause of demodectic mange effectively. 


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.